ASP is pleased to announce our full endorsement of the Captive Primate Safety Act of 2024 (H.R.8164). As primatologists, we are acutely aware of the immense harm to nonhuman primate welfare and well-being, including emotional, psychological, and often physical trauma, when they are kept as pets. H.R.8164, which has recently been introduced to Congress, strengthens existing laws by prohibiting the import, export, interstate transportation, possession, and breeding of all primate species for private use, particularly as pets in private homes. Currently, it is legal to keep primates as pets in 25 states. The legislation is supported by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, the International Primatological Society, and many other professional scientific organizations. It is narrowly focused on the interstate commerce and private ownership of primates as pets. The bill exempts zoos, research labs, sanctuaries, and universities. This legislation not only advances primate welfare, but it also contributes to public safety and helps conserve wild populations. We encourage all fellow primatologists to contact your legislators and offer your professional input to promote this important legislation.
If you are interested in learning more about the Captive Primates Safety Act, check out the press release from Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal’s office.
Click here to see the signed endorsement letter sent by ASP on June 17, 2024.