The Program Committee encourages a variety of contributions from attendees in any area of primatology for inclusion in this year’s program, including abstracts for podium (oral) or poster presentations and proposals for symposia, roundtables, and workshops. Refer to sections on each type of submission for more information.
Proposals for in-person, virtual, or combined in-person/virtual symposia/roundtables/workshops are due Friday, February 2, 2024. You may submit proposals starting January 2, 2024. Please log in to your ASP account and click on “My Profile” to submit a proposal. If you are not yet a member of the ASP and would like to propose a symposium, roundtable, or workshop, you can do so here.
The deadline to submit abstracts for in-person or virtual podium and poster sessions has been extended to Friday, March 29, 2024 at 11:59PM PST. Abstract submission will open February 1, 2024. You must register for the meeting before you submit your abstract. To register, click here or login, go to My Profile, and click “Register for ASP 2024”. New this year, you will need to submit your abstract in both English and Spanish. Please write your abstract in your preferred language and then translate it (yourself or via a colleague or free translation site) so that you can upload both. The English abstracts will be reviewed by the program committee after submission closes. The program committee along with volunteers will check translations prior to the meeting.
Presentations are encouraged in both English and Spanish (you will select your preferred language when you submit your abstract). Closed-caption translations will be provided for both languages. Posters narrations will also have closed-caption translations available on the virtual meeting site.
Questions about abstracts, proposals, or the meeting program should be directed to the Program Committee Chair, Dr. Michele Mulholland ( Any pre-conference or post-conference sessions require Program Committee approval.
Information about abstracts for oral and poster presentations, proposals for symposia/workshops/roundtables, authorship and attendance, registration requirements, presentation guidelines, instructions for students who wish to apply for presentation awards, and exhibits and displays are available below.