Titles should be concise, with a clear statement of the variables (independent and dependent), species, housing/condition (corral-living, zoo living, free-ranging, etc.), and for field studies, location of the study. The design should be clear from the wording of the title; for nonexperimental research, avoid words that imply causation.
The full institutional affiliation, including address, is needed for the first author. Affiliation name and e-mail are required for each additional author.
Title, author(s), and affiliation(s) are not counted toward the 225-word limit.
Below are recommendations for what should be included in an abstract. Remember that not all of these recommended elements apply to all types of studies/abstracts. Please include all relevant and appropriate components.
Abstracts will be published and may be cited, so prepare a complete summary of your work that can be understood without any supporting or additional information. Please (1) check spelling and grammar carefully, (2) use metric units of measurement, and (3) define all acronyms and nonstandard abbreviations.
Two complete abstracts are provided below as examples. Both have been reproduced with permission of the authors. While these abstracts might not contain all the recommended elements mentioned above, most elements are included.
Note of Acknowledgment: The 1994-1996 and 1996-1998, and 2021-2022 ASP Program Committees developed the instructions provided on this page.