This award provides recognition and financial support ($1500) for students and early career investigators from habitat countries who demonstrate potential for making significant and continuing contributions to primate conservation. Past awards have been presented by U.S. Ambassadors or other senior officials, thereby obtaining favorable publicity for the award, its recipient, and primate conservation in the recipient’s country.
Students, researchers, and educators from primate habitat countries for whom no more than five years have elapsed since receipt of their terminal degree. You must be a member of ASP to be eligible for the Conservationist Award.
Nominators should send the following information via email to the chair of the ASP Conservation Committee (cwolovich@flsouthern.edu).
The Conservation Committee will make its recommendations for awards to the ASP Board of Directors at the annual ASP meeting. Successful nominees will be informed following the meeting and their names will be published in the ASP Bulletin and posted on the ASP web page.
For more information or to submit an award nomination, contact the ASP Conservation Committee (cwolovich@flsouthern.edu).
This award is administered by the Conservation Committee. Chairs: Christy Wolovich and Kaelyn Dobson.