The Legacy Fund was established in 2010 with an important founding gift from Past President Don Lindburg, with the stipulation that it be used for a new initiative in service to the Society and to primatology. Many young scientists present their first professional paper at the Society’s annual meeting, and go on to become lifelong members of the Society and significant contributors to the science and practice of primatology. In recognition of the role that the Society has played in career development, the Legacy Fund was established to facilitate interdisciplinary training for an ‘early-career’ professional in primatology. The intent of the award is to provide for a period of short-term training in a discipline, or development of a skill-set, that is outside the recipient’s area of expertise, but will add to the ability of the recipient to make unique contributions to primate research or to the agencies and organizations that affect primate research. Examples include (but certainly are not limited to) a field primatologist receiving training in molecular biology or endocrinology, a laboratory primatologist acquiring skills in field primatology, or a primatologist serving on a Congressional committee, doing training with USDA, or interning in journalism and science writing. The Legacy Fund is managed by the ASP Legacy Project Committee.
The applicant must be in a professional position, a Full Member of ASP, and possess the terminal degree appropriate to the applicant’s career (MA, Ph.D., DVM, MD).
The application, which should be submitted as a single PDF file, must contain the following sections:
The Legacy Project Committee will evaluate the Candidate’s full application, and assess the degree to which the training will lead to a career-enhancing outcome with regard to the ability of the candidate to make important contributions to the field of primatology.
Proposals will be accepted that request up to $10,000 in support. The itemized budget of expenses and a narrative budget should identify in broad terms how the requested money will contribute to the identified training goals. Allowable expenses include travel, per diem, and equipment or reagent costs. Support for others’ salaries will not be allowed.
Reporting to ASP
Candidates who receive the ASP Legacy Award will prepare a two-page summary of the outcome of the training experiences for the Legacy Project Committee at the completion of training and within one year of receipt of the award. In addition, within three years of completion of training, the awardee will be invited to an annual meeting of ASP to present a “Legacy Address” to the Society. This address should highlight the interdisciplinary training received during the award and the resultant impact on the career trajectory of the awardee.
Submission of Application
Completed applications must be submitted in a single PDF file, with items 1-5 listed above. The next application cycle will be announced in the ASP Bulletin and on this website.