ASP Small Research Grant

Application Deadline: June 20, 2025

Grant proposals are invited for the ASP Small Research Grant. The Research and Development Committee will welcome applications beginning April 14, 2025 and the deadline for application submission is June 20, 2025.

Award amounts range from $500 to $2000, and will be for a period of one year. This funding mechanism supports research designed to test hypotheses about the proximate and ultimate processes that influence primate behavior, social organization, development, reproduction, physiology, anatomy and/or evolution. Proposals focused purely on welfare or conservation activities are not eligible (for other ASP funding mechanisms, see here).

You will need to be an ASP member and login to the ASP website in order to submit your application. Instructions on how to become an ASP member can be found here.

Proposal instructions:

  1. Complete the ASP Small Research Grant proposal form and submit it along with a budget, including a budget narrative (1 page max.), and a CV (2 pages max.) via the ASP members’ portal. Examples of previously successful applications can be viewed here.
  2. Applicants must be ASP Members at the Student Level or above. Membership in ASP for individuals from habitat or developing countries is FREE for those unable to pay dues. Please contact the ASP Treasurer for more details on complimentary membership. Please note that new and complimentary memberships can take up to a week to process.
  3. Undergraduate and graduate student applicants must have a sponsor/mentor. The sponsor/mentor does not need to be a member of ASP, but should write one of the two letters of recommendation.
  4. Two letters of recommendation are required (details below).
  5. The applicant must be formally affiliated with an institution that can assure that the funds are used appropriately (e.g., Primate Center, University, Zoo, Sanctuary, Foundation, established Field Program).
  6. Research grants should be designed to test hypotheses about the proximate and ultimate processes that influence primate behavior, social organization, development, reproduction, physiology, anatomy and/or evolution. Proposals focused purely on welfare or conservation activities are not eligible.
  7. Merit will be the primary criteria for the consideration of each grant. Specifically, we rate each application on 1) innovation and originality, 2) proposed research quality, 3), the methodological approach and feasibility of the proposed study, and 4) the potential impact of the proposed research.
  8. Priority will be given to applicants who have never received an ASP Small Research Grant Award. In the case of a tie, decisions will be made based on whether or not the application is from a developing or primate range country and/or preference given for those who have not won the award previously.
  9. Previously awarded applicants are not eligible to apply the following year after receipt of funding.
  10. Field/Zoo/Laboratory/Sanctuary applications will be treated equally.
  11. Assurance should be given that if adjunct funding critical to the overall project does not arrive, the ASP funds will only be used for the proposed project.
  12. Funds should not be used to support institutional overhead costs, build institutional infrastructure or to purchase institutional equipment that is typically provided by the sponsoring institution.
  13. For proposals that include an (optional) education or outreach component, applicants should describe the proposed activity and also how they will evaluate the success of that activity. 

If you have any questions regarding your proposal’s suitability for funding, please review the Frequently Asked Questions.

To apply for the ASP Small Research Grant, you must login to the website. You will find a link to the application on your profile page.

Dr. Julie Teichroeb and Dr. Emily Rothwell are the co-chairs of the Research and Development Committee for 2024-2026. Julie can be contacted by email at and Emily can be contacted by email at

For an ASP Small Research Grant you will need two letters of recommendation. At the time you submit your grant application online, the online system will request the email addresses of your two letter writers and automatically email them with instructions on how to submit their letters. Your letter writers do not have to submit their letters of recommendation by the grant application deadline. However, to ensure that the letters are received in time for review, referees should submit their letters no later than 2 weeks after the grant application deadline.

This grant is administered by the Research and Development Committee. Chairs: Julie Teichroeb and Emily Rothwell.

If your project focuses primarily on conservation, you should apply for a Conservation Small Grant, NOT a Small Research Grant. Small Research grants should be designed to test hypotheses about the proximate and ultimate processes that influence primate behavior, social organization, development, reproduction, welfare, physiology, anatomy and/or evolution.

Yes, for an ASP Small Research Grant you will need two letters of recommendation. The online system will request the email addresses of your two letter-writers, and automatically email them with instructions on how to submit their letters. To ensure that the letters are received in time for review, referees should submit their letters no later than 2 weeks after the grant application deadline.

No. Grants are not awarded to replenish monies already spent. If you have already started your project, the only way you are eligible for an ASP Small Research Grant is if you apply for portions of the project that will be implemented in the future.

Yes. We welcome applications from long-term studies that have side projects or additional needs. As long as your proposal clearly shows the value of the project to primate research, it could be eligible.

Yes. It is not necessary for your project to be connected to a larger program. As long as the project is focused on primate research, is deemed feasible and of high quality, you are encouraged to apply.

The ASP Research and Development Committee announces its final decisions on funding at each annual meeting. Winners are announced at the Business Meeting and at the Closing Banquet.

In general, the ASP Small Research grants can be used for research supplies, travel for research purposes, living costs while in the field, field assistance, etc. We do not fund overhead to universities, travel to scientific meetings, or equipment that should be available through the applicant’s institution.

Dr. Julie Teichroeb and Dr. Emily Rothwell are the co-chairs of the Research and Development Committee for 2022-2024. Julie can be contacted by email at and Emily can be contacted by email at

Applicants may not submit duplicate, or essentially similar, grant applications simultaneously to the ASP Conservation Small and ASP Small Research grants for review. To discuss whether a project should be submitted as a Conservation Small or Small Research grant, contact one of the committee chairs. 

Priority will be given to applicants who have never received an ASP Small Research Grant Award and previously awarded applicants are not eligible to apply the following year after receipt of funding.


  • Lidia Cervantes, University of Texas Health at San Antonio, Testing Common Marmosets’ Enrichment and Mobility in a 3D Open-Field Room, in relation to Aging, Microbiome, and Inflammation
  • Nicholas Chapoy, Tulane University, Vocal Communication and Dominance Rank in Male White-faced Capuchins
  • Luke Quarles, University at Buffalo, Understanding Slow Loris (Nycticebus bengalensis) Ultrasonic Vocal Communication
  • Ember Wolf, Washington University in St. Louis, Landscape Genetics of Red Colobus Monkeys (Piliocolobus tephrosceles) in Kibale National Park, Uganda.
  • Bright Yeboah, University of Texas at San Antonio, Foraging and Risk Avoidance Behavior of Cercopithecus lowei in a Human-dominated Landscape at the Boabeng-Fiema Monkey Sanctuary in Central Ghana.


  • Lauren Doherty, University at Buffalo, USA, Distinguishing separate slow loris species via landmark-based cranial geometric morphometrics
  • Gene Estrada, University of Michigan, USA, Environmental drivers of territoriality in arboreal primates in Indonesian Borneo
  • Emily Glotfelty, University of Texas San Antonio, USA, Variation in ranging and foraging behaviors associated with gut microbiome composition in Colobus vellerosus
  • Nicolas Gorostiaga, CONICET, Argentina, Influence of a yellow fever outbreak on the Demography and genetic structure of a public health sentinel species (Alouatta caraya) in Northeastern Argentina
  • Diego Stokes-Malava, University at Buffalo, USA, The Effectiveness of white-handed gibbons as seed dispersers in a mosaic forest in Western Thailand


  • Iara Torge, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, The effect of landscape fragmentation on seed dispersal by black capuchin monkey (Sapajus nigritus) in northeastern Argentina
  • Lindsey Warshawski, University of Victoria, Form and function of food-associated calling in the Rekambo chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes troglodytes) community in Loango National Park, Gabon
  • Will Whitham, Texas A&M University, Automated testing of chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) self-control using a Kinect sensor
  • Lauren Wiseman-Jones, Washington University in St. Louis, Monitoring changes in physiological stress and energy balance of mountain gorillas(Gorilla beringei beringei) in relation to acute social and anthropogenic stressors


  • Nalina Aiempichitkijkarn, UC Davis, Social networks and tuberculosis infection among free-ranging long-tailed macaques 
  • Chloe Karaskiewicz, UC Davis, Sleep through the social lens: The role and importance of attachment in sleep for a pair bonding primate (Plecturocebus cupreus)
  • Clara Mariencheck, George Washington University, Characterizing genetic sexual dimorphism in X chromosome genes involved in disease susceptibility and immune response in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus)
  • Eliette Noromalala, Central Washington University, Parasitic patterns in the black-and-white ruffed lemur (Varecia variegata

AWARDS FOR 2020        

  • Margaret Buehler, Tulane University: Subordinate males as hired guns: assessing resource, mate, and infant defense in Cebus imitator
  • Amanda Mancini, CUNY Graduate Center: Fine-scale assessment of black-and-white ruffed lemur (Varecia variegata) population connectivity in the Ranomafana-Andringitra Corridor
  • John Winans, Stony Brook University: Using novel methods to discern variation in the local interaction rules: the effect of pregnancy on baboon socio-spatial behavior


  • Allegra DePasquale, University of Calgary — “Are diet and nutrition of wild capuchins influenced by color vision type? A test of the niche divergence hypothesis.”
  • Clare Kimock, New York University — “The evolution of rhesus macaque canine dimorphism.”
  • Allison Lau, University of California, Davis — “Coppery Titi Monkey Responses to Vocalizations of Paired and Unpaired Individuals Based on Pairing Status of Perceiver.”


  • Jacob Feder, Stony Brook University — “The potential benefits of older offspring on sibling development in wild geladas.”
  • Amanda Rowe, Stony Brook University — “Implementing molecular methods to understand ecosystem energy flow and nutritional ecology of mouse lemurs for optimized management strategies in Ranomafana National Park and Isalo National Park, Madagascar.”
  • Morgan Chaney, Kent State University — “Interrogating expression levels of cyanide-detoxifying enzymes in the liver of Hapalemur griseus.”
  • Adam Pope, Northern Illinois University — “Evaluating the kin selection hypothesis of cooperative infant care in male tamarins (Leontocebus weddelli).”


  • Alexander Pritchard, Rutgers University — “Variation in stress coping: Influence on social complexity.”
  • Edward McLester, Liverpool John Moores University — “A comparison of intergroup strategies of movement coordination in savanna-mosaic and forest-dwelling red-tailed monkeys.”
  • Emperatiz Gamero, Instituto Venzolaris de Investgiaciones Cientificas, Venezuela — “Understanding the origins of the Maragarita Capuchin in the context of rapidly changing Capuchin systematics.”
  • Katherine Cronin, Lincoln Park Zoo — “Predictors of wounding in zoo-housed Japanese macaques: A multi-institutional study.”
  • Logan Savidge, UC Davis — “Validating a stop signal task in a novel nonhuman primate model, the titi monkey.”
  • Sydney Chertoff, Canisius College — “How gorillas see the world.”


  • Laura Abondano, University of Texas, Austin — “Mating strategies and reproductive endocrinology of lowland woolly monkeys (Lagothrix lagotricha poeppigii)”
  • Susie D. Lee, New York University — “The role of testosterone in the modulation of parental behaviors in female macaques”
  • Candace Stenzel, Winthrop University — “Do the vocalizations of equatorial saki monkeys (Pithecia aequatorialis) contain referential meaning?”
  • Nicole Thompson, Columbia University — “The benefits of social ties during development in blue monkeys”


  • Brett Frye, Clemson University — “Prenatal androgen exposure in captive female callitrichine primates: immediate and prolonged effects on morphology, physiology, and behavior” $1,250
  • Efstathia Robakis, Washington University in St. Louis — “Vocal sexual signals and reproductive isolation in sympatric tamarins” $1,250
  • Sandra Winters, New York University — “Guenon face patterns and the maintenance of primate reproductive isolation” $1,250
  • Erica Dunayer, SUNY at Buffalo — “Grooming exchange: Modes of cooperation among rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) on Cayo Santiago” $1,250
  • Cassandra Mitchell, Washington University at St. Louis — “Allele frequencies and chimerism in the polymorphic opsin alleles in saddle-back tamarins (Saguinus fuscicollis) and emperor tamarins (Saguinus imperator)” $500


  • Alexander Georgiev, University of Chicago — “Male oxidative stress and female mate choice in rhesus macaques” $1,200
  • Maura Tyrrell, University at Buffalo, State University of New York — “The effect of within-group and between-group competition on male coalitions in wild crested macaques (Macaca nigra)” $1,200
  • Stephanie Fox, University of Calgary — “Evaluating infanticide as a selective pressure shaping male and female reproductive strategies in Colobus vellerosus” $1,200
  • Erica Tennenhouse, University of Toronto — “The contributions of androgens to intersexual dominance relationships in lemurs” $1,200
  • Maressa Takahashi, Columbia University — “Reproductive and social effects on the nutritional strategies of a generalist feeder, the blue monkey, in a spatially variable environment” $1,200


  • Margaret Corley, University of Pennsylvania — “Leaving home: genetic correlates of owl monkey dispersal in a naturally fragmented habitat” $1,500
  • Brendan Barrett, UC Davis — “Cultural Inheritance: Identifying social learning heuristics in wild capuchin monkeys” $1,500
  • Katharine Thompson, Pennsylvania State University — “Did you hear that? Properties of deadwood that influence extractive foraging in aye-aye” $1,500
  • Cynthia Thompson, Northeast Ohio Medical University — “Non-invasive methods to evaluate thermoregulatory and metabolic hormones in free-ranging New World primates” $1,500
  • Tim Bransford, Rutgers University — “An interdisciplinary approach to understanding the cost of motherhood in wild Bornean orangutans” $1,500
  • Andrea Spence-Aizenberg, University of Pennsylvania — “Olfactory signals and partner choice in monogamous owl monkeys” $1,500
  • Allison Howard, University of Georgia — “Navigation and route choice in bearded capuchin monkeys” $1,500


  • Nicholas Brazeau, Harvard University – “Intercommunity Growth Variation due to Habitat Heterogeneity in Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii
  • Katie Chun, UC Davis – “Behavioral Inhibition and Stress Regulation of the Immune System”
  • Halszka Glowacka, Arizona State University – “Are there costs to living higher? Effect of altitude on the physical properties of mountain gorilla diets”
  • Amanda Perofsky, University of Texas, Austin – “Socio-behavioral Determinants of Infectious Disease Transmission in a Wild Lemur Population (Propithecus verreauxi)”
  • Emily Rothwell, UC Davis – “Investigating the role of dopamine in monogamous pair bonds in titi monkeys (Callicebus cupreus)”
  • Kim Reuter, Temple University – “Habitat degradation and lemur-fruit tree mutualisms in Madagascar”

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  • Caitlin Barale, Princeton University – “The effects of early life on male reproductive trajectories in wild geladas (Theropithecus gelada)”
  • David Samson, Indiana University – “Great ape sleep architecture: Using infra-red videography to generate sleep quotas in Pongo pygmaeus
  • Pawel Fedurek, University of York – “Chorusing, call exchanges and social bonds in male chimpanzees”
  • Anita Stone, Eastern Michigan University – “Mating strategies and sexual selectionof squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) in eastern Amazonia”
  • Lisa O’Bryan, University of Minnesota – “Food-associated calling behavior in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes): Information pooling to improve collective patch departure decisions?”
  • Lydia Overbaugh, University of Texas at San Antonio – “Diet, ranging patterns and social behavior of lar gibbons at Huai Kha Khaeng, Thailand: Behavioral flexibility or phylogenetic constraints?”
  • Timothy Eppley, University of Hamburg – “Ecological flexibilityof the southern gentle lemur (Hapalemur meridionalis)in south-east Madagascar”
  • Lydia Hopper, Georgia State University – “Do chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) choose to exert control over their environment to maximize personal gain in comparison to their peers?”
  • Maria Blaszczyk, New York University – “Temperament and social niche specialization in vervet monkeys”

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  • Fernando Campos, University of Calgary – “Dynamics of population growth by white-faced capuchins, Cebus capucinus, in a regenerating landscape” $1500
  • Lisa Danish, Rutgers University – “Alternative Mating Strategies of Male Olive Baboons, Papio hamadryas anubis” $1449
  • Ipek Kulahci, Princeton University – “”Information acquision and spread across social networks of ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta)” $1500
  • Krista Milich, University of Illinois – “Forest Degradation and Reproductive Function in the Female Red Colobus Monkey (Procolobus rufomitratus) of Kibale National Park, Uganda” $1480
  • Guillaume Pages, University of Texas San Antonio – “A Nutritional and Mechanical Analysis of Fallback Foods in the Diet of the Sanje Mangabey (Cercocebus sanjei) in a Seasonal Environment, Udzungwa Mountains National Park, Tanzania” $1450
  • Benjamin Ragen, University of California at Davis – “Opioid Modulation of Social Attachment and the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis in a Monogamous Primate (Callicebus cupreus)” $1500
  • Vivek Venkataraman, Stony Brook University – “Mixed species associations between gelada baboons (Theropithecus gelada) and Ethiopian wolves (Canis simensis) on the Guassa Plateau, Northern Ethiopia” $1200
  • Jessica Walz, Ohio State University – “Assessing female mate choice according to male quality and conception probability in olive baboons (Papio anubis)” $1420
  • Anna Weyher, Washington University in St. Louis – “Behavior and Friendship in the Little-known Kinda Baboon” $1500

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  • Elsa Addessi, CNR, Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie della Cognizione (ISTC-CNR), Rome – “Intertemporal choices for primary and secondary rewards: how capuchin monkeys and humans discount time with food and tokens” $1475
  • Melanie Beuerlein, Yale University – “The Aging Male Chimpanzee: Investigating Changes in Reproductive Effort and Endocrine Physiology” $1500
  • Sharon Kessler, Arizona State University – “Using living mouse lemurs to model the origins of primate sociality: Do mouse lemurs use vocalizations as a mechanism for recognizing kin and forming social groups?” $1500
  • Marni LaFleur, University of Colorado Boulder – “Ecology of ringtailed lemurs (Lemur catta) at Tsimanampetsotsa National Park, Madagascar” $1500
  • Mark Laidre, Princeton University – “Testing tool-use abilities in mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx)” $1500
  • Amy Porter, University of California at Davis – “Effects of Ornate Hawk Eagle (Spizaetus ornatus) Predation on Small-Bodied Primates in a Peruvian Rainforest” $1500
  • Luca Pozzi, New York University – “Molecular systematics and pattern of speciation in cryptic nocturnal primates (Genus galagoides) in eastern Africa.” $1494
  • Laurie Reitsema, The Ohio State University – “The Isotopic Meanings of Weaning: A New Method For Determining Age of Weaning Among Primates” $1500
  • Adam Smith, University of Nebraska at Omaha – “The role of oxytocin in the social regulation of stress reactivity in marmosets, Callithrix penicillata.” $750

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  • Kira Delmore, University of Calgary – “Analysis of a brown lemur hybrid zone: What factors are involved in its maintenance?” $1500
  • Andrea Green, University of Montana – “Consequences of Color Vision Variation in Wild Tufted Capuchin Monkeys” $1424
  • Heather Hassel-Finnegan, Stony Brook University – “Mate Choice in the Siamang: Genetic Perspectives” $1410
  • Michael Jarcho, University of California, Davis – “Changes in gene expression and brain activity associated with parenthood in male titi monkeys (Callicebus cupreus)” $1500
  • Carolyn Kitzmann, University of California, Davis – “Assessing Vocal Change During Pair Bond Formation and Maintenance in a Monogamous Primate” $1500
  • Kathleen Klag, Iowa State University – “Functional Referents in the Vocal Repertoire of Bonobos (Pan paniscus)” $575
  • Catherine Markham, Princeton University – “Dynamic habitat partitioning among savanna baboon social groups: The role of group-level social dominance hierarchies” $750
  • Whitney Meno, University of California, Davis – “Ontogeny of Antipredator Behavior in Wild White-faced Capuchins” $1500
  • Adam Smith, University of Nebraska, Omaha – “Oxytocin and breeding marmosets: The effects of oxytocin on pair-bond formation, partner preference, and pair-bond maintenance” $750

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  • Alice Elder, Stony Brook University – “Competition among three primate species at Way Canguk, Sumatra, Indonesia.” $1500
  • Andrea Gibson, University of Zurich – “Cognitive and Cultural Aspects of Nest Building in Wild Orangutans.” $1500
  • Brian Kelly, University of Massachusetts at Amherst – “Using 2-D and 3-D Symbols: Complex Mental Representation in Rhesus Monkeys (Macaca mulatta).” $1010
  • Jennifer Pokorny Emory University – “Social categorization in capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella).” $870
  • Andrew Ritchie University of California at Berkeley – “The foraging ecology of Chiropotes satanas chiropotes with respect to forest chemistry.” $1500
  • Erin Sullivan University of California at Davis – “Development of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta).” $1500
  • Jenny Tung Duke University – “The effect of social and environmental variation in early life on adult immune function in wild baboons.” $1500
  • Eva Wikberg University of Calgary – “Relationships, Relatedness, and Residency Patterns in Female Colobus vellerosus.” $1500

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  • Luisa Arnedo – “Variation and Social Function of Neigh Vocalizations in Northern Muriquis (Brachyteles hypoxanthus)” $1380
  • Fernando Campos – “Olfactory signaling, urine washing, and urinary hormone profiles of white-faced capuchin monkeys, Cebus capucinus.” $1500
  • Rebecca Chancellor – “Within-Group Relatedness and Kinship Bias in Female Gray-Cheeked Mangabeys (Lophocebus albigena) in Kibale National Park” $1500
  • Krista Fish – “The Community Ecology of Sympatric Nocturnal Primates and Bats: Understanding Niche Separation at the Blyde River Canyon, South Africa” $1274
  • Katherine Hinde – “Lactational Investment: Behavioral Care, Milk Production, and Infant Outcomes in Rhesus Macaques” $1500
  • Kerry Ossi – “The juvenile balancing act: Survival, skill-learning and growth in Phayre’s leaf monkeys” $1500
  • Nicole Rafferty – “Effects of Habitat Fragmentation on Primate-Plant Interactions: from Pollination to Seed Dispersal” $1445
  • Bernardo Urbani – “Spatial Mapping and Foraging Strategies of White-faced Capuchin Monkeys (Cebus capucinus) in a Tropical Rainforest: Insights from Natural and Experimental Field Approaches.” $1450

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  • Laura Bidner – “Predator-prey interactions between leopards (Panthera pardus) and chacma baboons (Papio ursinus)” $1500
  • Steffen Foerster – “Competitive regimes, social behavior, and stress physiology of mitis guenons.” $1500
  • Monique Fortunato – “Conflict management and dominance style in bonobos” $1500
  • Alison Grand – “The Assessment of Anxious Behavior and HPA Axis Function of Juvenile Rhesus Macaques(Macaca mulatta) Exposed to Infant Maternal Maltreatment” $1500
  • Silvana Peker – “Relationship among habitat fragmentation, allogrooming patterns, and ectoparasite loads in the black and gold howler monkey (Alouatta caraya)” $1450
  • Amy Pokempner – “The Effects of Sex Differences and Seasonality on the Feeding Ecology of Chimpanzees in Kibale National Park, Uganda” $1500
  • Kevin Potts – “Comparative Ecology of Two Chimpanzee Communities in Kibale National Park, Uganda” $1500
  • Julienne Rutherford – “Litter size effects on placental microstructure and function in the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus)” $1479
  • Leslie Seltzer – “Response of the Common Marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) to Positive and Negative Social Stimuli, as Measured by a Novel Urinary Assay for Oxytocin” $1500
  • Tamaini Snaith – “Food Competition and Ecological Determinants of Group Size and Biomass in Red Colobus” $1500
  • Julie Teichroeb – “Reproductive strategies, male-quality, and group composition in Colobus vellerosus in central Ghana” $1500

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  • Amanda Melin – “Effects of color vision phenotype on foraging behavior of white-faced capuchin monkeys” $1500
  • Amy Lu – “Costs & Benefits of Rank Within an Individualistic Hierarchy: A Study on Phayreís Leaf Monkeys (Trachypithecus obscurus phayrei)” $1410
  • Nicole Maninger – “Immune and Endocrine Responses to Housing Relocation in Adult Male Rhesus Macaques” $1500
  • Brandon Wheeler – “The deceptive use of alarm calls by wild tufted capuchins (Cebus apella) in northeastern Argentina” $1500
  • Tamara Wenstein – “Juvenile Rhesus Macaque Affiliative Partner Preferences: Temperament, Development, and Stability” $1500
  • Jessica Whitham – “The Quiet Calls of Rhesus Macaques” $1500
  • Jennifer Siani – “Parent-Offspring Conflict in Wild Golden Tamarins (Leontopithecus rosalia)” $1500
  • Meg Crofoot – “Ecology and Intergroup Competition in Cebus capucinus” $1500
  • Lisa Conley – “Establishment of a Non-Human Primate Ovarian Culture System to Study Effects of Dioxin Exposure on Sex Steroid Production” $1500
  • Kerry Ossi – “Training for adulthood in a female-dispersal species (Trachypithecus phayrei)” $1500
  • Alain Houle – “Within-tree fruit quality variation and trade-off between food, contest competition and foraging efficiency among chimpanzees, Kibale National Park, Uganda” $1500
  • Ted Evans – “Touch-screen mediated symbolic tool requests by capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella)” $581
  • Susan Longest – “The Effects of Varied Social Structure on Sperm Competition, Alloparental Care, and Infant Mortality in Black-and-White Ruffed Lemurs” $1500
  • Meredith Bastian – “The Effects of Geography and Genetic Distance on Cultural Variation in Wild Orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii)” $1500
  • Eileen Larney – “Blood or barter: Infant handling in a female dispersal species, Trachypithecus phayrei” $1435

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  • Jen Le Clair – “Consortships, coalitions, and Following Behavior in Male Olive Baboons” $1500
  • Michael Muehlenbein – “Physiological Associations with Intestinal Parasitemia in Chimpanzees at Kibale, Uganda” $1330
  • Anne Fowler – “Vocal Similarity as a Kin Recognition Mechanism” $1110
  • Martin Kowalewski – “Patterns of Subgrouping and Social Affinity in Howler Monkeys: Evidence of Co-operative Strategies Among Unrelated Adult Group Members” $1450
  • Stacey Tecot – “The Influence of Ecology on Fecal Cortisol Profiles in Red-Bellied Lemurs (Eulemur rubriventer) in Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar” $1490
  • Jennifer D. Cooper – “Population structure, genetic diversity, and barriers to gene flow in the western lowland gorilla” $1500
  • Elizabeth Balko – “Correlating specific vocalizations to matrilines in Varecia variegata” $1460
  • Anna Dudek – “Vocal communication in western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) and mountain gorillas (Gorilla gorilla beringei)” $1500

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  • Corinna Ross – “Genetic chimerism in marmosets”
  • Hogan Sherrow – “Adolescent male-chimpanzee behavior at Ngogo, Kibale National Park, Uganda”
  • Hsiu-Hui, Su – “Intragroup female-female feeding competition in the Taiwanese macaques (Macaca cyclopis) at Fushan Forest, Taiwan”
  • Kristin Abbot – “MHC diversity, immune response and reproductive success in a brightly colored primate (Mandrillus sphinx)”
  • Erin Kinnally – “Serotonin function in marmosets: Validation of a novel, non-invasive measurement technique”
  • Thomas Junek – “Ecology and social behavior of aye-aye (Daubentonia madagascariensis) in human-altered habitat of Eastern Madagascar”
  • Jennifer Weghorst – “Fission-fusion dynamics in a large group of spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi panamensis)”
  • Simeon Reader – “The cognitive processes underlying social learning in primates: Are novel mechanisms involved?”

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  • John D. Ruys – “The role of genetic differences in the regulation of central monoamine function and personality in rhesus macaques” $1500
  • Anita Stone – “Feeding ecology of juvenile squirrel monkeys: Cause or consequence of prolonged development” $1500
  • Lisa Jones-Engle – “Human-to-primate disease transmission in Indonesia” $1500
  • Julie A. Heller – “Fatty acid profiles of wild chimpanzee and orang-utan foods as determined by gas-liquid chromatography: Laboratory training” $1500
  • Sarah D. Carnegie – “Endocrine and behavioral interrelationships: Reproductive behavior in male and female white-faced capuchins (Cebus capucinus)” $1500
  • Stanislav Lhota – “Role of female choice for regulation of infanticide in Hanuman langurs” $1500

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  • Stephanie Gibeault: “A study of vocal communication in western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) at Mbeli Bai, Congo”
  • Samantha Hens: “A three-dimensional approach to growth and sexual dimorphism in orangutan crania”
  • Michelle Hook: “Eye preferences in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)”
  • Paul Park: “How does the primate brain evolve? Exploring the hypothesis of developmental constraint through volumetric and synaptic changes in the brain of the olive baboon, Papio hamadryas anubis
  • Steven Schapiro: “Social control and immunological responses in pair housed rhesus macaques”
  • Angela Van Rooy: “Sexual swellings and male mate choice in olive baboons (Papio cynocephalus anubis)”