In 2022, ASP, in partnership with Re:wild, will provide small grants of up to $5,000 for habitat country students, researchers and communities to study and conserve primates and their habitats. The “Saving Primates Where They Live” grant is supported by funds from Re:wild and crowdsourced funds raised by the American Society of Primatologists Conservation Committee. Grant applications will be reviewed by a joint committee from Re:wild and members of the ASP Conservation Committee.
1. be led by one or more habitat country researchers
2. focus on primates listed by the IUCN as critically endangered, endangered, vulnerable, or data deficient living in their natural habitats
3. take place in a location under environmental threat and/or with high biodiversity
4. publish project results targeted to experts and to the general public
Projects should contribute to one or more of these priorities:
1. improve protection of a critically endangered, endangered, vulnerable, or data deficient primate species in their natural habitat
2. demonstrate an economic benefit to local communities of conserving primates and their ecosystems, compared with its loss
3. improve local or regional capacity to carry out future conservation efforts through training and providing high quality conservation research experience to participants
4. advocate for change through conservation education and/or engagement with government representatives to correct inappropriate environmental policies or legislation that previously led to species or habitat decline
All projects must adhere to ASP’s guidelines on the code of best practices in field primatology (https://asp.org/2021/04/20/code-of-best-practices-in-field-primatology-code-of-best-practices-in-field-primatology/), and all proposals must be submitted in English.
1. Title: Include the name(s) of the primate species and the project’s geographic location
2. Project abstract/summary (max of 300 words): Include brief background, purpose of the project, methods, and expected outcomes.
3. Describe the main objectives of the project, its specific activities, and how these will contribute to conservation of the target species and ecosystems. This should be the main body of the application and should not exceed four double-spaced pages.
4. Budget: List the total amount of the request, itemized costs, and funds from other sources
5. Schedule: Provide starting date and duration.
6. Project personnel: Provide a curriculum vitae or resume for the project principal investigator, and the names and institutional affiliations of all personnel.
7. Describe the specific outputs of the project, e.g., expected scientific publications, popular articles, conservation action plans, management plans, etc. Presumably each project will have one or more outputs of this kind as one of its objectives.
8. List two references: that the ASP review committee can contact about the project should it choose to do so. The list of references should include mailing addresses, phones, fax numbers, and e-mail addresses if available.
The maximum award given is $5,000. Awards will range from US $1,000 to $5,000 and average around $3000. Please note that, should a grant be awarded, you will be responsible for providing the following reports and materials at the end of the project:
1. Recipients of funding are required to submit a final technical and financial report of the project’s activities resulting from the grant. The final reports must be submitted no more than 2 (two) months after completion of the project.
2. Grantees are expected to publish at least one scientific, popular, newspaper or magazine article, report, action plan, etc., resulting from the project. Grant recipients are encouraged to publish at least some of their findings in the newsletters and journal of the IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group (i.e., Primate Conservation, Asian Primates Journal, African Primates, Neotropical Primates and Lemur News).Copies of all publications should be sent to Re:wild (Anthony Rylands at arylands@rewild.org ) and the co-chairs of the ASP Conservation Committee (Bert Covert at Herbert.Covert@colorado.edu or Jennifer Cramer at jdanzycramer@gmail.com).
Applications for support will be considered on a rolling basis starting May 1, 2022 and we expect all funds will be allocated by October 1, 2022.
Proposals should be sent electronically to:
Bert Covert
Co-Chair, ASP Conservation Committee
Questions regarding the application process can be sent to Bert Covert at Herbert.Covert@colorado.edu