The American Society of Primatologists Education Committee (ASPEC) will hold the Student Competition sponsored by the American Journal of Primatology (AJP) at the annual ASP meeting to recognize high quality, first-authored student presentations. Prize winning categories may include Outstanding, Outstanding First Place, Outstanding Second Place, and Honorable Mention for both Oral and Poster presentations.
Up to eight student awards will be given: two for in-person poster presentations, two for in-person oral presentations, two for online poster presentations, and two for online oral presentations. Awardees for the best in a given category will receive a certificate, a cash prize of $150, and a one-year membership to ASP with electronic access to the American Journal of Primatology. Honorable Mention in-person and online oral and poster awardees will each receive a certificate, a cash prize of $100, and a one-year membership to ASP with electronic access to the American Journal of Primatology.
To be eligible for the Student Competition, a paper or poster must meet the following criteria:
*NOTE: If the student cannot attend the meeting, online or in-person, to which an abstract has been submitted, the abstract should be withdrawn in writing to the ASPEC Co-chairs, Brett Frye and Gabriela de Faria Oliveira (education@asp.org), no less than 5 days before the start of the meeting. If the student wishes to withdraw from the competition, but still present the paper/poster, the ASPEC Chairperson should be notified of this change no less than 5 days before the start of the meeting.
*Regarding Criterion 1. above, the ASPEC would like to emphasize that this competition is intended to judge work that is conceived, developed, conducted, and written by students/trainees. We recognize the valuable contribution of professors and fellow students, and for that reason will accept multi-authored papers. However, we encourage participants to take seriously the notion that this is a STUDENT COMPETITION. As such, entries will be limited to undergraduate and graduate students, as well as post-baccalaureate trainees and lab/research technicians who have not yet enrolled in graduate school.
The ASP Education Committee reviews the Application (1st round judging), the data blitz presentation, as well as the Oral /Poster presentation given online or at the in-person meeting (finalist judging) for background and significance, quality of research design, organization, written, visual, and oral clarity of presentation. Applications are judged in a blind fashion prior to the meeting, and the top 5-7 Applications in both categories, finalists, are judged at the meeting. Specific criteria for finalist round judging may be found here. Award Recipients are announced and prizes awarded at the Closing Banquet on the last evening of the Annual Meeting. Any questions regarding the student competition may be directed to the ASPEC Co-Chairs Brett Frye and Gabriela de Faria Oliveira (education@asp.org). Award Recipients are encouraged to submit their work to the American Journal of Primatology for publication. Award Recipients will be listed and abstracts published in the annual meeting issue of the AJP, in the ASP Bulletin, newsletter, and other media. Abstracts will also be published on the Society’s web page.
These awards are administered by the Education Committee. Chairs: Brett Frye & Gabriela de Faria Oliveira.