
Why join ASP?

The ASP has diverse and growing membership. Members are entitled to a variety of benefits, many of which can be accessed through this website. Membership is open to persons engaged in the scientific study of primates and to those supporting the goals of the Society, as described in the Constitution

Membership benefits include:

Membership dues

Memberships are based on the calendar year.

Membership category2024 Dues
One-year Full membership, including e-subscription to AJP$100
Two-year Full membership, including e-subscription to AJP$200
Lifetime Full membership, including e-subscription to AJP (payable over two years)$1150
One-year Student membership, including e-subscription to AJP$50
Two-year Student membership, including e-subscription to AJP$100
One-year Early Career membership, including e-subscription to AJP$75
Two-year Early Career membership, including e-subscription to AJP$150
One-year Retired membership, no AJP subscription$50
Two-year Retired membership, no AJP subscription$100
Lifetime Retired membership, no AJP subscription $250

* Membership in ASP for individuals from primate range or developing countries is FREE for those unable to pay dues.

Join & renew online