American Society of Primatologists By-Laws
ARTICLE 1. Dues and Donations
Annual dues shall be set by the Board of Directors except that members who are students or are retired shall pay one-half the amount of regular dues and members who are postdoctoral fellows or early career researchers (defined as those within 7 years of receiving a PhD, DVM, or equivalent degree who are working in postdoctoral or other temporary positions) will pay three-fourths the amount of regular dues. The Society shall also be empowered to accept donations from individuals and institutions, provided that all such funds are used exclusively for the educational and scientific purposes of the Society in accordance with the provisions and prohibitions set forth in the Society’s Constitution and Bylaws.
ARTICLE 2. Duties of the Officers
Section 1. President
- Preside over Business Meetings of the Society.
- Preside over meetings of the Executive Committee.
- Serve as chairperson of the Board of Directors.
- Appoint standing and ad hoc committees of the Society with the advice and consent of the Board of Directors.
- Appoint temporary officers when necessary with the advice and consent of the Board of Directors.
- Assume overall concern for the affairs of the Society and for its policies.
Section 2. President-Elect
- Serve as a member of the Board of Directors.
- Serve as a member of the Executive Committee.
- Serve as Co-chair of the Membership and Finance Committee, along with the Treasurer
- Assist the President in carrying on the affairs of the Society.
Section 3. Executive Secretary
- Be responsible for arrangement of meetings of the Executive Committee.
- Be responsible for arrangement of business meetings of the Society and for recording the minutes of such meetings.
- Serve on the Board of Directors of the Society and be responsible for recording the minutes of meetings of the Board.
- Serve on the Executive Committee of the Society and be responsible for recording the minutes of meetings of the Committee.
- Maintain correspondence with committee chairpersons.
- Appoint and maintain correspondence with Liaisons of the Society.
- Be responsible for informing the membership of the Society about the affairs of the Society.
- Be responsible for informing the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee of the interests of the membership as communicated to the Secretary by members.
Section 4. Treasurer
- Collect dues and contributions to the Society and be in charge of all funds.
- Prepare the Annual Report of the Society as required to maintain the nonprofit status of the Society.
- Prepare the Annual Budget of the Society with the assistance of the Membership and Finance Committee and serve as chairperson of that committee.
- Submit the Annual Budget to the Board of Directors for approval.
- Serve as a member of the Board of Directors.
- Serve as a member of the Executive Committee and present a financial statement of the Society to the Executive Committee as of December 31 each year.
- Coordinate fund-raising efforts of the Society.
- Disburse funds of the Society on requisition from the appropriate officers as specifically set forth in the approved budget.
- Serve as member of the Board of Directors
- Serve as member of the Executive Committee.
- Assume the duties of the President in the latter’s absence or inability to serve.
ARTICLE 3. Composition and Duties of the Board of Directors
Section 1. Composition
The Board of Directors of the Society shall consist of the officers, President, President-Elect, Executive Secretary, Treasurer, and the Immediate Past President.
Section 2. Duties
- Assume legal and financial responsibility for the nonprofit corporation American Society of Primatologists established under the nonprofit laws RCW24.03 of the State of Washington.
- Guarantee the not-for-profit status of the Society.
- Approve or disapprove of appointment of committee members and/or temporary officers
- Adjust the amount of annual dues within reasonable limits as necessary to support the business and affairs of the Society.
- In the event of dissolution of the Society the Board of Directors shall pay or make provision of payment from the funds of the Society all the liabilities of the Society and shall dispose of all the assets of the Society in accordance with ARTICLE 15 of the Constitution of the Society.
- Assume the obligations and responsibilities for determining the official policies of the society.
ARTICLE 4. Composition and Duties of the Executive Committee
Section 1. Composition
The Executive Committee of the Society shall consist of the Board of Directors and the Chairs of the Standing Committees of the Society (Membership and Finance, Publications, Research and Development, Conservation, Education, Program, Primate Care, Media and Public Engagement, Awards and Recognition, Student, and Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility). With the approval of the President and the President-Elect, committees may have two Co-Chairs, who may stagger their terms to facilitate continuity of operation of the committee.
Section 2. Duties
- Advise the officers of the Society.
- Assume the obligations and responsibilities of implementing the official policies of the Society.
- Propose and accept proposals for amending the Constitution of the Society.
- Propose additional Bylaws in accordance with ARTICLE 11 of the Constitution.
- Invite appropriate societies to exchange representatives.
- Set the time and place for meetings of the Society.
- Meet at the time of the Society’s meetings, when possible, prior to the Business Meetings.
- Perform other duties as specified in the Constitution or Bylaws of the Society or as necessary to the furtherance of the Society’s purposes.
ARTICLE 5. Duties of the Committees
Section 1. Membership and Finance Committee
- Assist the Treasurer in the preparation of the Annual Budget.
- Assist the Treasurer in coordinating fund-raising efforts of the Society.
- Advise the Treasurer on the financial affairs of the Society.
- Shall include the Treasurer of the Society as Chairperson or Co-chairperson in addition to the other members appointed by the President.
- Responsible for solicitation and recruitment of professionals and students as new members.
- Responsible for the distribution of descriptive literature and information of the purposes, membership dues, and benefits of the Society to individuals and groups interested in the Society.
- Responsible for maintaining the official membership list of the Society.
- Shall perform other duties as designated in the Constitution and Bylaws of the Society.
Section 2. Publications Committee
- Oversee and coordinate the publication activities of the Society.
- Insure that ARTICLE 13 of the Constitution is upheld.
- Assume responsibility for direction of Editors and Editorial Boards of publications of the Society.
- Cooperate with the Program Committee in the planning and publication of the Proceedings of meetings of the Society.
- Perform other duties as specified in the Constitution and Bylaws of the Society.
Section 3. Research and Development Committee
- Promote primate research in captive and field settings.
- Provide information on request on research resources and support.
- Develop mechanisms for recognition of outstanding research achievements in primatology.
- Serve as liaison with other scientific societies concerned with the use of primates in research.
Section 4. Conservation Committee
- Liase between the Society, the International Primatological Society and other relevant conservation organizations (e.g. Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation).
- Provide information on the status of wild populations of nonhuman primates. The committee chair will serve as a contact person for the IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature) and advise the President on IUCN activities and votes.
- Monitor primate trade, research demands, success of captive breeding programs, and enactment and abuse of legislation aimed at conservation of nonhuman primates.
- Cooperate with all other committees of the Society in the mutual exchange of relevant information.
- Hold an annual competition to award Conservation Small Grants to ASP members.Solicit recommendations from members of the Society to recognize individuals for their outstanding contributions to primate conservation (the Conservationist Award).
- Conduct fund-raising activities to procure financial resources for conservation efforts.
Section 5. Education Committee
- Encourage development of educational programs in primatology.
- Promote improved instruction regarding primates.
- Provide information on employment opportunities and educational programs.
- Facilitate hiring of primatologists in academic and research institutions.
- Review and promote public education regarding primates and primate research.
- Administer the Student Research Awards Program.
Section 6. Program Committee
- Plan program for meetings of the Society.
- Invite speakers and review program proposals.
- Arrange details of immediate meeting sites and delegate registration.
- Cooperate with the other committees of the Society with regard to publication of the program abstracts and proceedings; the collection of dues; and the dissemination of information about meetings.
Section 7. Awards and Recognition Committee
- Administer all programs for awards and formal recognitions conferred by the Society except the Student Research Awards and the ASP Award for Excellence in Outreach which will be administered by the Education Committee and the Primate Welfare Award which will be administered by the Primate Care Committee. These programs include, but are not limited, to recognition of distinguished primatologists, conferring of honorary memberships, necrology reports, recognition of service, research, teaching, and unique contributions to the Society and Primatology in general.
- Propose to the Board of Directors the name of an outstanding primatologist to receive the Distinguished Primatologist Award. This designation should be reserved for an individual of international stature who has made outstanding contributions to the field. There is no requirement that this person should be a member of the society nor a citizen of the United States, or that such an award be made annually.
- Establish subcommittees or act as a committee of the whole to review the merits of individuals proposed for such awards or recognition.
- Recommend to the Board of Directors the names of individuals selected for awards or recognition.
Section 8. Primate Care Committee
- Advocate for the appropriate care and welfare of nonhuman primates in all settings.
- Cooperate with other organizations regarding issues of appropriate primate care.
- Serve as a resource on research findings and methods relating to primate care.
- Encourage scientific investigation of appropriate primate care.
- Assist the President and Board of Directors in preparation and electronic dissemination of public communications and statements. Facilitate rapid response to media on issues within ASP’s mission and for which ASP represents unique expertise that can contribue to public education.
- Responsible for initiation and maintenance of social media efforts designed to facilitate communciation and sharing primatology-relevant information among members.
- Increase ASP’s public visibility and public engagement via traditional and social media venues.
- Collaborate with other committees to assist promotion of their public education, outreach, and information dissemination via traditional and social media venues.
- Encompass the former duties of the Office of Society Historian, which include:
- Be responsible for the safekeeping of the historical documents and memorabilia of the Society.
- Assemble a chronology of significant activities of the Society.
- Gather information about the activities of the Society its officers and members which reflects upon the attainment of the stated purpose of the Society.
- Create a narrative description of items a, b, and c above.
Section 10. Student Committee
- Establish a liaison between the Society, the Board of Directors, and the Society’s student members.
- Represent the opinions and concerns of the Society’s student members to the Board of Directors.
- Plan social and professional events for students attending annual society meetings.
- Promote the Society to increase the number of undergraduate and graduate student members.
Section 11. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility Committee
- Encourage and facilitate inclusivity at annual meetings.
- Provide programming to be included in annual meetings.
- Promote diversification of the Society’s membership.
- Assess progress in diversification via regular surveys of the Society’s membership.
ARTICLE 6. Meetings of the Society
Section 1. Regular Meetings
- The Society shall hold Regular Meetings no less often than biennially (see ARTICLE 4, Section 2.f.)
- Meetings shall include presentation of invited addresses symposia and contributed papers.
- A Business Meeting shall be held in conjunction with each regular meeting; a quorum for the enactment of routine business shall consist of 30 voting members in good standing. Passage of any motion or resolution proposed at the meeting requires a simple majority of voting members present. All motions and resolutions not of a routine nature will be submitted to the President in writing, preferably before the beginning of the meeting. Any motion, whether it has passed or failed, may, on the demand of one individual and a second, be put to a mail vote of the membership as a whole. In this event the Executive Secretary will solicit statements from proponents and opponents of the motion and will submit the statements and the motion to the voting membership no later than one month following the meeting. A simple majority of those responding is required for passage.
Section 2. Regional Meetings
The Society may sponsor Regional Meetings at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
ARTICLE 7. Public Statements
Public statements about the policies of the Society shall be the responsibility of the President. On controversial issues the President shall seek the advice and consent of the Board of Directors. Individual Members may not represent their personal views as those of the Society as a whole.