The Program Committee encourages a variety of contributions from attendees in any area of primatology for inclusion in this year’s program, including abstracts for podium (oral) or poster presentations and proposals for symposia, roundtables, and workshops. Refer to sections on each type of submission for more information.
Submission opens for symposia/workshop/roundtable proposals: February 10 2025
Deadline for symposia/workshop/roundtable proposals: February 25 2025
Submission opens for abstracts: March 1 2025.
Deadline for abstracts: April 4 2025
Information about abstracts for oral and poster presentations, proposals for symposia/workshops/roundtables, authorship and attendance, registration requirements, presentation guidelines, instructions for students who wish to apply for presentation awards, and exhibits and displays are available below.
The submission deadline for abstracts for in-person and virtual presentations is April 4, 2025. ASP is now offering both live and asynchronous ON-DEMAND presentation formats for virtual conference attendees. Please see “Presentation types and guidelines” below for more information about the types of presentations for which you may submit an abstract. To submit an abstract, log in to your account and go to Profile Home.
Presentations at annual ASP meetings are to be based on high quality research that has generated interesting data relevant to current issues in primatology. Abstracts (max: 225 words) will be peer reviewed by the Program Committee and decisions will be emailed to submitting authors. Accepted abstracts will be organized into sessions based on topic area and type of presentation. These abstracts will be published in the American Journal of Primatology. For more information on abstract preparation, check out Instructions for Writing Quality Abstracts.
The submission deadline for proposals for in-person, virtual, or combined in-person/virtual symposia, roundtables, and workshops is February 25, 2025. Log in to your ASP account and go to your profile to submit a proposal. These sessions should address topics that are timely, of interest to the general membership, and include participants from several institutions. Abstracts for accepted symposia, workshops, and roundtable discussions will be published in the American Journal of Primatology alongside abstracts for oral and poster presentations.
We accept two types of symposia: oral and poster. To propose a symposium, submit a title, format (oral or poster), an abstract giving a brief overview of the symposium content (max: 225 words), and list of participants using the online form. Please note, you should get the agreement of participants prior to submitting the proposal. If accepted, all individual participants in the symposium also must submit an abstract for their presentation by the deadline and select your session from a dropdown list of accepted symposia.
Oral symposia should not exceed a total time of 2.5 hours. Presentations in an oral symposium should be either 15 or 30 minutes in length. If speakers are allocated 15 minutes, up to 10 presentations could fit into the time limit; if speakers are allocated 30 minutes, up to 5 presentations could fit into the time limit.
Poster symposia should consist of 5-10 poster presentations. The start of a poster symposium begins with each participant providing a 3-5 minute oral summary of their poster. Time is then provided for attendees to view all posters. Poster symposia should conclude with a chaired discussion.
Each year, there is one interdisciplinary symposium. This prestigious symposium runs unopposed by other sessions. If you are interested in your symposium idea being selected as the interdisciplinary symposium, please indicate this on the form when you submit your proposal. Your proposal overview should clearly highlight the integrative scope of the proposed topic.
Workshops and Roundtable Discussions
Workshops and roundtable discussions are less formal than symposia, may be applied or broadly theoretical, involve audience participation and/or discussion, and should address a defined goal. To propose a workshop or roundtable discussion, submit a title, an abstract giving a brief overview indicating the goal and how it will be met (max: 225 words), and list of participants using the online form.
Submitting an abstract for an in-person presentation implies that at least one of the authors (typically the first author, but not always) will attend the meeting to present the work described in the abstract. Each individual can give up to two presentations as first author in any combination of podium and/or poster presentation as either an in-person or virtual attendee; individuals cannot present both in-person and virtually at the same meeting. There is no limit on how many abstracts individuals may be on as a co-author for either in-person or virtual presentations.
Submission of an abstract implies that authors support the mission and by-laws of the American Society of Primatologists, have complied with current legal and ethical guidelines regarding the use and well-being of nonhuman primates and, if necessary, have obtained IACUC and/or IRB approval of the research contained in the abstract. The submitting author will be required to acknowledge, before submitting the abstract, that each author of the submitted abstract has seen and approved the final version of the abstract and has given consent to appear as an author.
Presenting authors, organizers of symposia/workshops/roundtables, and symposia participants must register for the meeting and pay the registration fee prior to submission of an abstract. Abstracts may be submitted at the same time as conference registration or can be added at a later time (up until the abstract submission deadline). If you are participating in an accepted symposium, you must submit your own abstract and indicate it is part of an accepted symposium. Workshop and roundtable participants also must register for the meeting, but are not required to submit an individual abstract to participate in the workshop/roundtable.
In-person Podium (oral) Presentations
In-person podium (oral) presentations are scheduled in 15-minute intervals. Presenters should plan for a 12-minute presentation with 3 minutes for questions and discussion. The computers used for presentations will be IBM PC-based, not Mac; please make sure your presentation is formatted for a PC when preparing your PowerPoint slides. You may not use your own laptop. Case studies, preliminary data, pilot studies, and descriptions of apparatus, equipment, or habitats are usually not appropriate for the podium (oral) format and should instead be submitted as posters. Descriptions of commercial products are welcome as exhibits but are not appropriate for the scientific program.
*If your presentation contains sensitive information and/or it is against company/organization policy, please select the option to opt out of the recording of your talk for virtual attendees when you submit your abstract.
Live Virtual Podium (oral) Presentations
Live Virtual podium (oral) presentations are scheduled in 15-minute intervals interspersed with the above in-person podium presentation. Presenters should plan for a 12-minute presentation via Zoom with 3 minutes for questions and discussion. The presenter will share their screen and control their own PowerPoint slides. In addition, a video recording of your presentation (a PowerPoint with a voice over) will be required at least one week in advance of the conference start date. This will be used in place of your live Zoom presentation in case of technical difficulties. Specific details on file uploads will be available closer to the meeting.
*If your presentation contains sensitive information and/or it is against company/organization policy, please select the option to opt out of the recording of your talk for virtual attendees when you submit your abstract.
ON-DEMAND Paper Presentations
Virtual conference attendees may present their research through an ON-DEMAND paper presentation. This presentation should be recorded as a PowerPoint with a voice-over. The video file will need to be uploaded to the conference website at least one week in advance of the conference start date. As with podium presentations, presenters are limited to a maximum of 12 minutes. Specific details on file uploads will be available closer to the meeting.
*Please note: ON DEMAND presenters do not have the opportunity for live question-and-answer sessions but you will be able to interact with both in-person and virtual attendees via the chat feature for your presentation on the conference website.
In-person Poster Presentations
Presenting authors are expected to be in attendance at their poster during the scheduled poster session. Poster sessions will be organized by topic. In addition, poster presenters must upload a PDF version of their poster to the conference website at least one week in advance of the conference start date for ON-DEMAND access. Poster presenters may also record up to a 5-minute PowerPoint presentation with voice-over to upload for ON-DEMAND access; this is optional for in-person presenters.
ON-DEMAND Poster Presentations
Virtual conference attendees may present their research through an ON-DEMAND poster presentation. This poster presentation has two required components, a copy of the poster as well as a short video presentation, both of which need to be uploaded to the conference website at least one week in advance of the conference start date. Specific details on file uploads will be available closer to the meeting.
*Please note: ON DEMAND presenters do not have the opportunity for live question-and-answer sessions but you will be able to interact with both in-person and virtual attendees via the chat feature for your presentation on the conference website.
For tips on how to make sure your presentations are accessible, please check out the following:
Presentation Competition
Students are highly encouraged to participate in the ASP Education Committee’s Student Presentation Competition. Graduate and undergraduate students may enter their work for consideration in the podium (oral) or poster competitions. Criteria and guidelines for the competition are available here.
Data Blitz
During abstract submission, students are given the option to be considered for inclusion in the Data Blitz. The Data Blitz is a 2-minute podium presentation at the very beginning of the conference. This offers an additional opportunity for students to advertise their work.
Travel Awards
All current, active student members are eligible to apply for the Ruppenthal Student Travel Award to help offset the cost of travel and accommodation for the meeting. Click here for more information.
Space and facilities for the exhibition and display of merchandise are available. In addition, a number of events are available for sponsorship. For information and exhibitor registration forms, see our Supporter and Exhibitor Prospectus.